It's been quite the summer for me thus far. I graduated college and began walking into a life that no longer had a predetermined route for me to take. My life was about to change/transition into something new. I was done with college, nearing the end of my time in Mason, and Shannon was taking off for two whole months to another continent.
Before she left, Shannon and I decided that we had an incredible opportunity to draw closer to our God while she was gone. And I really think we have. I began trusting Him and relying on Him more than ever. And I've been in so many situations and circumstances where God was my only comfort. It's been crazy. I've been praying to Him like I actually believed He was glued to every word I spoke (or thought). I asked Him for guidance about what to do about a job, and He provided a red-haired friend and an opportunity. Then I asked Him what to do about that, and He gave me great friends to tell me why I would be great at it and several reminders of why I love being a Young Life leader. He gave me affirmation and a renewing of my passion.
Then I asked Him to grow my heart and take care of Shannon. While she's been gone, we've been able to chat through Gmail most days, and we've been able to share our hearts while she's gone (hooray technology!). Though it seemed impossible to grow closer while she was gone, it's happened. And she's been through a lot of crazy things, but she's still safe. It's not distance that has made our hearts grow fonder, it has been God. I believe that with everything I have.
So over the past few weeks, Shan and I have been talking about me going down to Ecuador during her last few days there. It wasn't that we missed each other so much that we couldn't wait a few more days to see each other, but that the opportunity to travel together was too good to pass up. When else would be able to see a place like Ecuador, especially when one of us is already there? So we discussed it, and ultimately asked God to make it happen or not make it happen. And asked again, and again, and again.
So what happened? I started looking at plane tickets and realized that, given my current financial situation, it was affordable. I talked my good friend whose life situation 3 years ago is almost identical to mine, and he thought it was a good idea too. After talking it over with Shannon again, we decided to go for it.
Then I asked God for a round trip ticket that might include the same flight back as hers. It was too expensive for her to change her flight, and I really wanted to be able to fly home with her. It'd be kind of weird if we didn't. But seriously, would that even be possible? And then God happened again. I found exactly what I was looking for, arriving when we wanted me to and flying home with the same itinerary. So after freaking out about our luck (or our Lord), I went ahead and bought the ticket (with only 2 remaining at the time!).
At the time, I was also pleading with God to find a subleaser. Since I was going to Crooked Creek with GP YL, traveling for 2 weeks, then moving by Aug. 1, I figured a subleaser would make sense. And it would also help with paying for the plane ticket. As it got closer to today, the day before I leave for Colorado with GP, I became more nervous. Then, a few days ago, it appeared I had found someone. But after a few days, several emails, and the advice of some friends, I decided it was a scam. Kind of a long story that really doesn't deserve much blog space. So after that conclusion, I was pretty down. I asked God one more time for a subleaser as a last ditch plea. And then He showed up again! I was watching the NBA Draft and suddenly received a phone call. After a brief conversation, it became known that this guy was
A. a real person
B. just as desperate to find a place to live as I was to find a subleaser
So we quickly reached an agreement over the phone. I have a subleaser now!
AND...after buying my Ecuador ticket, I needed to set up an appointment to receive any shots and medications I'd need for my trip. I called as soon as I could and booked the ONLY available appointment this week. Which was huge since I need at least 2 weeks before I leave for the immunizations to be working. And my appointment was exactly 14 days before I'd arrive.
So at this point, I'm a little overwhelmed; I feel pretty exhausted even writing all of this down for you to know about! My relationship with God is hotter than Hansel right now. I've seen God show up so many times over the last 2 months it's ridiculous, and especially over the past 8 days. My only response is to stop what I'm doing, pick my jaw up off the floor, and praise Him. For who He is, for what He does, and for how much He loves me.
I hope all that makes sense. I'm still feeling pretty woozy.** Thanks for taking time to let me share my life with you.
I'm hopefully leaving for Colorado with a ton of high school kids tomorrow afternoon. So I'll be in touch in a week!
Where has God been showing up in your life? I'd love to know! Leave lots of comments.
P.S. So on Tuesday night I was playing basketball and took an elbow to the eye. The result: 3 stitches, a bad concussion, and a fractured right orbital. I wasn't really praying to God for that to happen, but I've had this incredible peace about the whole situation. I know it'll be okay. And I'm anxious to see how God uses it.
Maybe I'll post some pictures sometime soon!