Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome back to my life, 5-iron

Today has been a really good day.  It's not that I don't have other good days that are worthy of a blog post, it's just that today I was able to do some things that I don't normally get to do.  Plus I still don't want to study, so thus, this blog post.  

I just spent the last hour and 7 minutes watching YouTube videos, including both the 97 and 98 fights between the Red Wings and Avalanche, the "Loser Must Retire" match between HBK and Ric Flair from a little while ago, and an old Converse commercial.  I'd love to show you all of those little pieces of pure gold, but I also don't want to waste an hour and 7 minutes of your day.  So here's one of them:

Some of the other things I don't normally do but did today and had fun are: 
  1. slept in until 11:03
  2. had lunch with Kelsey and Audry
  3. took a nap (yeah I'm a bum)
  4. ate two cheddarwursts (sounds gross and ridiculous to list as a highlight...but they were SO good)
  5. went to the driving range
The trip to the driving range today deserves its own commentary.  It was somewhat of an impulse decision by T-Mo, Tony, and I, and a great one at that.  I've had this brand new set of irons sitting in our house collecting dust every since I brought them from home (a Christmas present).  I've only hit them twice, and I've been anxiously anticipating when I could take them out again.  And today was the day.  My first shot was a 9-iron, and it was probably the best "first shot of the spring" of my entire life.  About 120 (into a stiff breeze) and straight as an arrow.  More importantly, my best club of the day was my 5-iron.  I haven't been able to say a sentence like that in a long time.  For the best few years, my 3-wood and 5-iron have been dead to me.  But I hit both of them today and I felt really good about it.  Maybe it's the new irons, I don't know (I really think it is, actually).  The only problem is that I couldn't hit my even irons (4, 6, 8).  Although my last shot (has to be a good one) was with a 6-iron, so I guess it wasn't all that bad.

It was a good day because it felt "college-y" and "out of college-y."  I had lunch with some old, out-of-college people (smile) and talked about jobs, but I also slept in.  I hit some golf balls in the classic "post-work" part of the day (6 PM) and also took a mid-afternoon nap.  

This isn't that surprising since I've been riding the edge of college and post-college for a while now.  

1 comment:

Dana said...

i love anything having to do with kelsey or audry. good times:)