Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Driving with the windows down

The other day I was sitting at a red light singing along to some Jars of Clay (self-titled album, probably a top 5 CD of all time...but that's a story for another time).  Anyways, as I sat there, another guy pulled up next to me blasting some music full of lyrics which I couldn't understand.  Because his music was at least 43 decibels louder than mine, I couldn't hear my music anymore.  Yet, I kept singing along.  I know all the words to "Love Song for a Savior" and there was no way that Mr. I Play My Really Bad Music Really Loud So You Can't Listen To Your Really Good Music was going to rain on my karaoke parade.  It's a good thing I had the song memorized.

I used to be all about memorizing large chunks of Scripture.  But for some reason, I've kind of just stopped doing that.  I think it's because sooner or later my mind twisted the idea into another kind of homework assignment that was simply added onto my To-Do List.  It's obviously bigger than that, but that's how my undergraduate (but not for long!) mind works.  

I'm hoping to rekindle the passion to memorize large chunks of Scripture.  Keeping God's Word in our hearts is such an advantage that we can have over the world.  It's always helpful to know all the words when loud music and other distractions pull up next to us.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

maybe that's something we can all do together this summer...memorize scripture together. just an idea, i've been trying to think of something we can all do together this summer after our conversation at tanna'im last night. if we are able to "hide God's word in our hearts" we will be much more able to stand firm in the midst of the loud music and distractions that pull up next to us in life...