Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So here's a list of all my friends' blogs that I read and why I read them.  There are other blogs by people that I'm not friends with (although I'm sure it'd be fun if we were were friends), but I'm already thinking that I'll be too tired of typing to include those as well.  So that'll probably be another day:

  • Shannon: Shan's currently in QUITO, ECUADOR for a study abroad.  How cool is that?!  Not sure how often she'll be able to update, but I'm really excited to see pictures and hear stories of a place I have never seen before or really know all that much about.  And I just think she's awesome (sorry for that shameless plug).
  • Emily: Emily is a great writer and is able to capture each of the individual moments of life that make this life so great.  She tells lots of stories and tries her best to "rewind the best parts."  I'm sure one day she'll rewind back to when we were teammates and how awesome that was.
  • Dilyn: Not sure if she'll be able to update a lot from up north, but I hope so.  Dilyn is a faithful women of God and wants to become even better.  Most of her posts are about her pursuit of that.  And music.  It's a really interesting blog for someone who doesn't like bacon.
  • Dana: This is a good place for deep, thought-provoking blogging.  Dana really looks for God in every situation or experience she has, and often writes about them.  And she likes Harry Potter a lot.
  • Woj: We all know how life is a struggle at times and so does Woj.  She enjoys that struggle, and that's what her blog is about.  Often inspiring, I might add.
  • Katie B: It's more interesting to read Katie's blog (well, it was always interesting) now that she's a new mom.  Katie does a really good job letting you into her life and the joys of this new life she is currently experiencing.
  • Sween: A newbie to the blogging world!  I like Sween because she is a great observer of her surroundings.  I'm excited to hear about what she sees around her and how God is working.
  • Kristin: Just recently hopped on the blogging bandwagon, but one of the few on the "I will wholeheartedly seek after Jesus" bandwagon.  Her blog is about her life and how Jesus is in control of it.  And how she loves that.
  • Mark: This is Mark's blog that he does through work.  I like how he weaves stories from work and his personal life.
  • Alison: I like reading Alison's blog because each post is seriously straight out of her heart and mind.  It doesn't really go through a filter, and because of that, it is incredibly honest and therefore profound and fun to read.
  • Laura: This young lady's blog is cool because she is a mom to 3 of the coolest guys you could ever meet.  I typically finish reading her blog either laughing, smiling, or re-thinking how I approach my life.  Or all 3.
  • Drew: Drew writes with his heart on the keyboard (okay that was kind of gruesome sounding...I wanted to convey how he is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve and blogs that way, but I don't think that's how I came across).  Anyways....
  • Coryell: A great read because Cory is a deep thinker and wants so desperately to know Jesus and be more like Him.  However, Cory updates his blog about once every 9 months, but the archives are good reads.
Somewhere about halfway through I ran out of witty things to say, so my apologies.  Time to go work out!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

you are grrrreat...ya better than frosted flacks great!