Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Conjuntion Junction

Well it's been kind of crazy and busy the past week or so, and I have a lot of blogging catch-up to do.  Now that life has slowed down a bit, I should be able to get to everything this week.

I've upped the number of blogs I consistently read to 22.  In fact, I'm kind of a blogging nerd these days, if you will.  Armed with my new favorite application, Evernote, I now keep up on several friends' blogs as well as several others from random people I don't know that I found through Noel's blog.  Evernote lets me clip anything interesting that I find and organize it for later; it's basically a glorified note-taker.  And I'm obsessed.  Most of these blogs are personal blogs of several of my good friends.  I love it.

Have you seen the first Matrix movie?  Remember the scene on top of the roof right before Trinity and Neo save Morpheus?  She calls Tank to upload her with the ability to fly a helicopter, and in a matter of seconds, she knows how to fly a helicopter.  That's how I feel life is like right now.  Because of the internet, we have limitless amounts of information only seconds away from us.  I can look up basically any sports fact to settle any argument or debate.  Just last night I looked up how many milliliters are in a cup because I needed to measure out 1.75 cups with a nalgene.  "Google" has more usage as a verb these days rather than a noun.  It's crazy.

So my favorite thing about blogging is the ability to stay connected with people.  Sure, it's a great outlet for me to gather my thoughts concerning life and God and make sense of both, and to share funny things/stories with others.   But it's also a great way for my increasingly scattered (geographically) speaking friends to keep in touch.  

We all want to be connected to others in community.  I'm glad blogs are around to help make that happen.

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