Monday, June 30, 2008

Faith, eh?

It's been quite the rollercoaster ride over the past week.  And not the Millennium  Force kind; more like the Jr. Gemini: full of highs and lows, but generally pretty low the whole time.  Or maybe the Corkscrew: dizzying and a ride I would never like to take again.  I digress....

I ended up deciding not to go to YL camp with Grosse Pointe.  I still don't feel well, can't really be on my feet at all, and just generally don't feel like myself at all.  It was a hard decision, but I think the the right one.  And I've been comforted and encouraged by friends and I've seen my decision reinforced by the fact that I'm either:

1. in bed
2. in bed fast asleep
3. in a chair at the computer (by the way, we don't have wi-fi at my house in Northville and it's kind of a hassle to switch the internet I'm stuck on our (cough) Dell (ick) desktop using (ugh) Windows (ahh).
4. on a couch watching tv.

A friend of mine wrote in an email: "Now you really get to see how that 'faith' thing works, eh?"  And he's completely right.  Small parts of me still say that "the trip won't be the same, the follow-up is hurt dramatically, you needed to be there, you're letting people down"...yada yada yada.  But lately the voices telling me "it'll be okay, camp will go on, kids will still meet Jesus, and you'll have your time in GP" are becoming louder and louder.  And those are obviously all fueled by a faith that has been growing stronger than ever.  So why lose it now?  

At this point, I can't think of this as anything but another opportunity to grow.  One of the ways I've seen my faith grow is when God gives me a reason to lose faith and I don't.  And I'm not looking to blink anymore.  Partly because it hurts my eye to blink, but mostly because I trust my Lord :)

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