Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bienvenido! (I think that means welcome!)

Well, after a long day of traveling, I made it to Ecuador all safe and sound. It was a fairly uneventful trip and I even saw a famous celebrity on the plane to Ecuador. I also remembered how cool it is to watch clouds out of the window. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's really cool flying through and above clouds. When flying over the Pacific it looked like each cloud was its own little island of cotton candy. Or marshmallow. Anyways.

I was kind of bummed that I couldn't fly in during daytime to see everything we were flying over. But it was worth it when we approached the city. The overhead view of the city lights was spectacular.

So funny story. For the past 2 weeks Shan and I have been laughing about our eventual meeting in the airport. We were envisioning some sort of dramatic embrace, where I'd walk through the airport and see her standing there with a sign waiting for me. Suddenly, the lights would dim and then shine directly on her. I'd drop by bags and start running in slow motion, while the some sappy acoustic guitar song would play in the background. Or something like that. So I landed, walked briskly through the hallways, sped through customs, and was fortunate to walk into baggage claim and immediately spot my bag. So I continued to follow the crowds until I saw where everyone was waiting for their loved ones. There had to have been 150 people waiting with signs and smiles. I kept looking for Shan and my sign but all I saw were people that didn't look anything like her and were holding signs for Eduardo, Victor, and Julio. I frantically searched for her but couldn't find her. I wandered around for 10 minutes and finally just stood int he middle of the crowded hallway by the door waiting for her to walk in. And waited. And waited. 25 minutes later I had to text her (not sure how much that costs...). Turns out they hadn't even left yet! Her host mom said that they could wait for a while since it usually takes a while to get off the plane and grab my bags and such. I also landed about 15 minutes early. So while I waited all by myself in the middle of the Quito airport, Shan was at home watching Juno with her sister. Fortunately, she only lives about 3 minutes away. So we eventually found each other and it was fine. We're still laughing about this.

I know yesterday I said I wouldn't be online at all, but I'm currently at the University killing time while Shan goes to her last class. Not sure if I'll be on again though anytime soon. I'll be in touch sooner or later though!

1 comment:

Dana said...

how long are u going to be there?

airport scenes often disappoint, but i liked your detail about the signs for Eduardo and Victor and Julio. good one:)