Monday, September 22, 2008

New alarm

For the longest time I've relied on my cell phone to wake me up each morning.  I haven't used a traditional alarm clock since high school.  But these days, I'm waking up to something new each morning.  I've waken up at the same time each morning, give or take about 10 minutes or so, for the past week or so to a much more "natural" noise, if you will. 

What is it you might ask?

"If you guessed "a squirrel jumping onto the a/c unit" then you're absolutely correct.

(p.s. if you do a Google image search for "squirrel" some pretty funny pictures show up)

Right around 8 every morning, a squirrel leaps onto the a/c unit that sticks out of the window.  The particular squirrels that live around my house don't really practice quiet landings, so their arrival wakes me up every morning.  It kind of sounds like someone pounding on my bedroom walls.

I might have to put up a "No Parking" sign today.  Or line the a/c unit with tacks.  

I'm only sort of kidding :)

1 comment:

Dilyn said...

funny that you should mention googleing squirrels...that pretty much sums up how i spent my 8th grade career...