Monday, September 29, 2008

The Good Ole Days

I filled up my gas tank yesterday and paid $3.47/gallon. I don't think I've paid that "low" of a price in a LONG time. So naturally, I was excited, which is also the first time I've been excited about the result of my latest trip to the gas station since, well, I'm not sure.

The second thought that immediately came to mind is that I yearn for those "good ole days" when $20 was all it took for a full tank of gas, and maybe a pop to go with it.

I've spent a lot of time over the past few months wishing for a second-coming of those "good ole days." Things that were true in my good ole days (note: these span a LARGE number of days)
  • my girlfriend and I lived in the same zip code
  • Gas was cheap
  • I didn't have to buy my own groceries
  • I didn't have to buy my own anything
  • the Atlanta Braves were winning pennants every year
There are several others, but for sake of your time and mine, I'll end there.

So what if my Good Ole Days span approximately 11 years of my life. They all represent something, serious or not, that I don't like as much about my present life.

However, I've been learning something lately. And by something, I mean:

Past = past. Present is what's important. Be present in where you are, all the time. Future is worth hoping and praying for. Where we are going defines us more than where we've been.

Now, the thoughts that God presents to me in my head are presented much more eloquently than I've just typed to you, but I think you get the point.

I just realized that elaborating on these thoughts to the point that you'd actually understand them would take more time than I'm willing to give to my blog, and probably more time than you're willing to read (which I know is a lot :) So for brevity's sake, here's my point:

Rejoice in what God has done in your life and where He's taken you and led you to/through. Be fully present in the situation and life and with the people you're currently surrounded by. Let the direction you are heading in be more defining of your character than everything that's behind you.

(sorry if you think any of that has nothing to do with previous words in the post)

And my sincere apologies for giving you the most random, poorly thought/laid out post of my brief blogging life. Thanks for tuning in :)


Katie said...

Sometimes blogs are just here for the brain-dump. It's important...
and my good ole days involve a tank of gas for less than $10.
I'm old.

Alison said...

yeah hes sweet. i mean you can only take so much of being st school let alone being with one person....

Selma Nunes said...

up date me on your live