Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today it's been 7 years since the events of September 11.  I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard.

I was sitting on the left side of the classroom in my normal seat for Schu's math class.  Right in front of his desk.  The bell to start class had just ring and our teacher was just getting ready to get up and begin class.  Suddenly one of our assistant football coaches briskly walked in the room and whispered something in our teacher's ear, then walked out just as quickly.  The room was silent at this point because we all thought class was about start.  Our teacher walked over the t.v. in the in the corner and turned it on, I think to NBC.  He walked quietly back to his desk and we all sat their in silence for the rest of class.  Not one person said a word for about 86 minutes.  

The rest of the day was weird.  We talked at lunch about whether they would attack us, in Northville.  No one really knew what was going on and how serious this actually was.  It was hard to really focus on anything that day, and especially the rest of the week.

Where were you?  What were you doing when you first heard?

Other events that I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard about it: OJ's bronco chase, OJ's trial verdict, Princess Diana's death, MSU beating ND in overtime in 2005...I'm sure there's more, but I need to get some work done!

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