Saturday, August 2, 2008

Experiment = failed

This morning it took about 20 minutes to sweep up a bunch of the mayflys (or fishflys as they call them around here) that had died overnight.  These little things just fly into your house and die on you.  Great.  They were in a bunch of areas: the kitchen, where they got in, a few in the living room (where I had lights on while I was doing stuff) and a few found their way into the bathroom (where there was a nightlight that I didn't notice before).  It's not fun to find 15 of these things laying in your bathtub when you want to shower.  

Add to the list a half-dollar sized cockroach and huge centipede to the list of insects that have joined me at some point in time for some period of time since I've moved in.  I'm glad to say they no longer live here.

So I put some duct tape on where I thought all the mayflys got in.  I turned the lights on in the kitchen and within 5 minutes a bunch had gathered on the window.  I checked in 5 minutes later and found about 10 had made their way in.  So I went crazy and duct tapes practically the whole window.  Needless to say, this problem needs to be fixed.  I'm hoping this will be the final time I spend any time thinking or worrying about this.

It'll be a much longer summer if it's not.

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