Thursday, March 13, 2008

God is Better than Groundhogs

Front doors are left open.  Sandals are being dusted off.  Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and guys are struttin' down Shaw Ave. in cut-offs and shorts.  It looks like spring outside, so it must be, right?  I'll admit it's REALLY nice outside, but it's still only 39 degrees.  I think everyone is a little more anxious for spring this year after the snowiest winter I can remember.  But I don't think the fat lady has sung on old man winter yet.  If it snowed 2 feet in 5 days I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Nonetheless, I'm part of the crowd eagerly anticipating warmer weather.  In fact, I think I have a lot of things to eagerly anticipate as of late...probably more than usual.  I don't think it's too far of a limb to climb out onto to say Shan and graduation has something to do with that.

Last night a bunch of guys and I met for our weekly get together to talk about life and the Bible.  We read and talked about Hebrews 11, which is kind of like a halftime pep talk about heroes of the faith.  It begins by saying that "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  There's so much that I hope for these days and maybe even more that I do not see.  I'm in this crazy place where my faith is as strong as ever, but where I watch it crash into some of my biggest doubts I've had.  

Sometimes I think I'd feel better if a groundhog knocked on my door and told me what to expect.  But then again, I don't think I'd be satisfied with what he'd have to say.  So instead, I'll cling to the God I cannot see and the hope I that I am doing everything I can to be certain of.  Because spring will be here sooner or later...and God will show up in a huge way.

1 comment:

Dana said...

haha, i thought that someone might think the letters spelled something, but it was for emphasis only, not a secret message. although that is a thought for future blog, i love secret messages.

no, tim keller did not steal my computer and post from my blogger ID. i do like him though:)

those thoughts are mostly a result of talking with lins over the weekend...interesting to talk about:)