Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So I finally went and bought my cap and gown today.  So what if I'm graduating in 9 days?  It does feel good to cross that off my to-do list, considering the facts that I love to cross things off lists and that it's been on there forever.

Part of the process involved telling the nice lady helping me out which college I'll be graduating from in order to pick out the correct colored tassel.  Apparently each college has its own color, which I previously didn't know about.  But anyways, I said "Business College" and she checked her list, and found the correct one.  As I anxiously awaited the announcement of what color tassel I'll be wearing, I found out that I will be wearing the color "drab."  Yep, that's right, drab.  And that's pretty much the only word to describe this color.  Maybe puke could work.

So in 9 days I will proudly walk around in a green cap and gown with a drab colored tassel.  And I couldn't be anymore excited.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Driving with the windows down

The other day I was sitting at a red light singing along to some Jars of Clay (self-titled album, probably a top 5 CD of all time...but that's a story for another time).  Anyways, as I sat there, another guy pulled up next to me blasting some music full of lyrics which I couldn't understand.  Because his music was at least 43 decibels louder than mine, I couldn't hear my music anymore.  Yet, I kept singing along.  I know all the words to "Love Song for a Savior" and there was no way that Mr. I Play My Really Bad Music Really Loud So You Can't Listen To Your Really Good Music was going to rain on my karaoke parade.  It's a good thing I had the song memorized.

I used to be all about memorizing large chunks of Scripture.  But for some reason, I've kind of just stopped doing that.  I think it's because sooner or later my mind twisted the idea into another kind of homework assignment that was simply added onto my To-Do List.  It's obviously bigger than that, but that's how my undergraduate (but not for long!) mind works.  

I'm hoping to rekindle the passion to memorize large chunks of Scripture.  Keeping God's Word in our hearts is such an advantage that we can have over the world.  It's always helpful to know all the words when loud music and other distractions pull up next to us.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Parking Spaces

So I met with two different groups today in the Business Library.  I think of all the places on campus, excluding my dorm rooms, I've spent the most time here.  There's something about this place that I love; maybe it's the environment that makes me feel all grown-up and professional.  Or maybe because it's quiet enough to study but everyone's okay with soft conversations too.  At the main library, the only sound levels are crickets chirping or house party.  And, unlike the main library, it's not 150 degrees.

But anyways, 2 visits also means 2 times finding a parking space.  Parking spaces in the Shaw Ramp are like fresh meat in piranha pools.  Just like the rest of business it seems, it's highly competitive.  During slower times of the day, like right now, it turns into finding a spot that is closest to the stairwell you want to take.  And pretty much every time I'm in that situation, there's one spot that is "kind of close."  These "kind of close" spots are nice, but they're always far enough away to make me feel like there's something closer.  And 9 times out of 10, there isn't, and by the time I come back, someone else has wisely filled the spot.  

I'm typically not okay with settling when something better is out there, but I also don't think that desiring more is healthy either.  So that got me thinking...where does settling stop and greed begin?

I'm way too tired to keep thinking about this, so I'll just leave it at that.  If I think of it, I'll post again with some more thoughts.  But for now, I'm sleepy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Can anyone REALLY vote for a guy like this?

UPDATE:  Obviously I will look into other things than just candidates' bowling skills.  Also, I don't believe bowling ability is a reflection of leadership ability :)

I haven't done much research into the Presidential candidates for '08, but this information has to count for something, right?

from Obama bowls for Pennsylvania voters: "Obama did improve, nearly getting a strike in one frame, and in the seventh, picking up a spare, giving him a score of 37."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome back to my life, 5-iron

Today has been a really good day.  It's not that I don't have other good days that are worthy of a blog post, it's just that today I was able to do some things that I don't normally get to do.  Plus I still don't want to study, so thus, this blog post.  

I just spent the last hour and 7 minutes watching YouTube videos, including both the 97 and 98 fights between the Red Wings and Avalanche, the "Loser Must Retire" match between HBK and Ric Flair from a little while ago, and an old Converse commercial.  I'd love to show you all of those little pieces of pure gold, but I also don't want to waste an hour and 7 minutes of your day.  So here's one of them:

Some of the other things I don't normally do but did today and had fun are: 
  1. slept in until 11:03
  2. had lunch with Kelsey and Audry
  3. took a nap (yeah I'm a bum)
  4. ate two cheddarwursts (sounds gross and ridiculous to list as a highlight...but they were SO good)
  5. went to the driving range
The trip to the driving range today deserves its own commentary.  It was somewhat of an impulse decision by T-Mo, Tony, and I, and a great one at that.  I've had this brand new set of irons sitting in our house collecting dust every since I brought them from home (a Christmas present).  I've only hit them twice, and I've been anxiously anticipating when I could take them out again.  And today was the day.  My first shot was a 9-iron, and it was probably the best "first shot of the spring" of my entire life.  About 120 (into a stiff breeze) and straight as an arrow.  More importantly, my best club of the day was my 5-iron.  I haven't been able to say a sentence like that in a long time.  For the best few years, my 3-wood and 5-iron have been dead to me.  But I hit both of them today and I felt really good about it.  Maybe it's the new irons, I don't know (I really think it is, actually).  The only problem is that I couldn't hit my even irons (4, 6, 8).  Although my last shot (has to be a good one) was with a 6-iron, so I guess it wasn't all that bad.

It was a good day because it felt "college-y" and "out of college-y."  I had lunch with some old, out-of-college people (smile) and talked about jobs, but I also slept in.  I hit some golf balls in the classic "post-work" part of the day (6 PM) and also took a mid-afternoon nap.  

This isn't that surprising since I've been riding the edge of college and post-college for a while now.