Some friends and I were talking about this idea yesterday. We're aware that God is in control of our lives, and we're even okay with that after years of knowing that we have no idea what we want or need. We see the picture of our lives that God has been creating and then suddenly...that ugly, pointless, out of left field mark is placed somewhere in our lives. Then we wonder what in the world God is doing. And now we're angry and upset, and once again question our trust for our Creator.
The truth is that God knows what He's doing and we don't. The truth is that He is in control and we are not, and that is actually the best thing that could ever happen. And the reality is that I need to be reminded of this. These marks that God makes in our lives shouldn't make us angry and cause us to doubt, but rather remind us that we are loved and in communion with the God of the universe. How cool? If we wait long enough, the events and circumstances of our lives that seem random and hurtful will begin to make sense as we view our lives from a bigger perspective. Obviously this requires a lot of patience and trust, two things that I feel like aren't in my bag right now. But I know that God is good. And I know that He loves me. And I know that those two truths are really all I need to know.
Thanks be to God that He is not done with me yet.
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